WordPress Virus & Malware Removal Service
We can recover and clean your website from all types of viruses and malware, such as SEO hacks, Japanese character injection pages, and more.

Our Service
Find Out What We Provide
We provide anything from Basic Malware removal to more complex cleaning and re-installs including recovery of blocked and blacklisted sites you will find the most requested services below which you can ask and order right away.
Basic Cleanup Remove WordPress Basic Malware.
- SEO Injection Hacks
- Japanese Character files
Recover Hacked WP Complete malware removal + Backdoor search + Database Search
- Malware Removal
- Security patch installation
- SSL certificate
- Blacklist removal
Complete Cleanup + Advance Security All from standard + Vulnerability Tests + Updates + backups + security + Firewall + 30 days support
- Vulnerability testing
- Malware Removal
- Security patch installation
- SSL certificate
- Blacklist removal